Friendly Agreement Between Countries

WordNet word definitions in WordNet n. an informal alliance between countries [syn: cordial entente] a friendly understanding between political powers [syn: entente cordiale ] Definitions of wiktionary words in Wiktionary n. An informal alliance or friendly understanding between two states. Below are the possible answers to the crossword puzzle note Friendly agreement between countries. Response to the reference „An informal alliance between countries”, 7 letters: agreement Wikipedia Definitions of words in Wikipedia Agreement, which means a diplomatic „agreement”, may relate to a number of agreements: such a plan might have had some chance of success if the Entente forces had focused on a single effort, and optimistic critics expected a break north of Verdun, which could close or at least threaten the neck of the German. Between Metz and Limburg and hastily a withdrawal from their carefully prepared positions in northern France and Belgium. If you still haven`t resolved the crossword puzzle review Friendly agreement between countries, then search our database to find the letters you already have! Russian censorship suppressed the news and what was allowed to pass through Germany was treated as a German lie in the Entente countries. The Germans of the Marne and a successful defense of Antwerp by the Entente should encourage the Dutch to intervene, the German position in the West would be completely reversed. If a given answer arouses great interest on the site today, it can be underlined orange. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Definitions of words in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Substantive CORPUS EXAMPLES ▪ But it was the Entente that was at the end. ▪ But those who participate in floral arrangement at least feel that they would have had a chance to win the title. ▪ floral winning agreement would have been a big tourist boost for Cheltenham. The burden that the lack of these resources had on British industry and shipping was incalculable, and the Entente`s inability to defend the French and Belgian borders or drive out invading prolonged the war by at least a few years.

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