Rebate Agreement Pdf

The items you need to buy or the account numbers you need to buy to get the discount If several of your suppliers have the same parent company, you can track discount information at the higher level and not at the supplier level. You can set up purchase instructions (P4306) for each vendor to specify at what level the discount information should be tracked. Whether it`s an amount or a percentage of the purchase amount, you can enter a note on a discount agreement. If a memo is present, the words See memo at the top of the form are displayed or the system highlights the chord number. In order for the system to track discounts, you need to provide information about the agreements you have with your suppliers. This information includes: Once you have defined what you need to buy to get a discount, you must enter the amount or amount you need to buy. The amount or each amount is called the threshold. You must also enter the amount of the rebate or the percentage of the purchase amount you must receive based on each threshold. The system records information about items, account numbers and purchase code values applicable to a discount agreement in the Purchase Discount Access Rules table (F4342). The order date must be within the validity dates indicated for the agreement.

The amount of the rebate or the percentage of purchases that determines the discount notice: If you use purchase instructions to indicate that all discount agreements for a supplier are pending (inactive), the system changes that active status when you enter a new active discount agreement for the supplier. The status of the agreement, whether active or not You can enter item numbers or account numbers if certain items or services are available that you need to buy to get the discount. You can enter storage or non-storage items for a discount agreement. The person to whom the system transmits messages if a discount is due You can assign the system to a number at each of your discount agreements or you can enter your own number. If you assign a number, the last discount number is increased by 1 for the provider. If this is the first discount contract for the supplier, the system assigns the number one. Each time you enter a retail line, you need to specify a line type. The storage interface for the type of position you specify in the command position types. determines the order in which the system searches for inclusion rules for a discount agreement to find a match: Fill out one of the following fields at several thresholds, depending on the type of threshold indicated in the discount agreement: Define the types of orders whose system applies purchases to discounts for the custom 43/RB code table. The amount or amount you need to buy for the discount, enter the purchase category (P1-P5) that you use to enter the category code values for discounts. You indicate this value in the system constants (P4009W) that you accessed by pressing F10 branch/installation constants (P41204).

You specify a type of threshold to indicate whether a discount agreement is based on a quantity you buy or an amount you buy. You specify a type of discount to indicate whether you should receive a certain amount of discount or a percentage of the purchase amount. A single purchase booking cannot apply to more than one purchase agreement. Chapter 59, „Set up Constants” for information about the definition of the purchase discount category code. More information about creating newspaper entries for discounts can be found in Chapter 45, „Update Information.” The vendor discount code for purchase instructions (P4306) must be set to „Active.” They determine the business unit subject to a discount agreement on the basis of the main account number indicated by the G/L. CONSIDERING shift that the state is authorized to enter into agreements with pharmaceutical manufacturers to collect additional rebates for Medicaid state members, provided these agreements are approved by the Centers for Medicare – Medicaid Services (CMS); And in the example above, when buying 500 items, you are entitled to a total discount of 500.00, ind